Covid-19 Enters The New Year
While the new year is here, we have moved into our 3rd year in the COVID-19 pandemic. A new variant has emerged and is quickly spreading from person to person around the world. This pandemic is unlikely to fully end in 2022 but we can hope to see some positive changes if we do our best to take the proper precautions to protect ourselves and the people around us. Here are 5 ways that can help keep you safe during this epidemic.
Social Distancing - The goal of social distancing is to limit the exposure by decreasing face to face contact and prevent spreading any COVID like symptoms amongst people in community settings.
Washing your hands- Hand washing with soap is a must! People unintentionally touch their face which gives germs direct access into your body. Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds is essential especially after you have been in a public place or in contact with any bodily fluids. It is also recommended using alcohol based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
Wear your mask- Wearing a mask is a simple barrier to decrease the risk of transmission. It is highly recommended to wear a mask that completely covers the mouth and the nose. Your mask should fit snugly against the sides of your face.
Doing your own research- Although it is said that you shouldn't always do your own research because of the controversy between facts and myths, it is always beneficial to follow up on any updates regarding covid for peace of mind. So continue to educate yourself as much as you can on facts and facts only !
Stay home when you feel sick!- It is proven that it only takes one person to spread an infection which can possibly lead to an outbreak. By staying home when you're not feeling well, it can limit the risk of spreading germs and potential illnesses.
Protect yourselves! Take control of your health as well as your loved ones. Remember anyone can spread this virus. Although there is a vaccine out there, there is no proven cure to this virus. Until we know more we must continue to do more and follow the safety guidelines to prevent covid-19 alongside the rising variants. Stay safe everyone!